Social dimension that links cultural activities with crime prevention among the planned actions of the National Development Plan

Ministry of Culture,
21 May 2013, Mexico

The President of Conaculta, Rafael Tovar y de Teresa, outlined some of the key cultural policy tasks that emerge from the National Development Plan. To modernize the promotional tools and other manifestations of art and heritage protection, are also within primary actions.

National Development Plan (NDP), as regards cultural policy, includes the following primary actions: to develop a social dimension that links cultural activities with the National Program of Crime Prevention; to modernize promotion tools of the arts and other cultural forms; heritage protection, and projection of all actions at international level, in order to contribute to improving the image of Mexico abroad outlined the President of Conaculta, Rafael Tovar y de Teresa.

The head of the National Council for Culture and the Arts (Conaculta) explained that the National Development Plan identifies more specific actions on digital culture (included in the National Digital Strategy), and defined it as one of the main tasks of taking full advantage of the new technological tools to multiply the work of the council and make it reach more people.

Rafael Tovar y de Teresa – head of the institution in charge of public policies in culture - was interviewed at the headquarters of Conaculta after the press conference in which he announced that Mexico will be Guest of Honor of the BookExpo America 2013 and the Global Market Forum, which takes place there from 29 May to 1 June  at various sites of the city of New York.

Rafael Tovar y de Teresa said that promotion of reading includes several chapters, one that is more clearly defined as editorial policy and includes the issue of co-publications, another refers to publications and libraries, and one chapter to the full use of new technologies in the promotion of reading  not only as printed material, but particularly in the development of platforms that can be linked to both the National Network of Public Libraries as well as platforms that include new Conacultura publication and those editions are no longer available in book shops.

The President of Conaculta said that although in some places there are minor connectivity problems with the National Network of Public Librares this can be solved with hard drives.

Rafael Tovar y de Teresa added that among the Conacultura tasks feature the nearly finished works undertaken in Plaza de la Ciudadela .