In order to prepare background reading materials for World Summit delegates, IFACCA and the CNCA are gathering information on this theme and would welcome your opinions on a range of issues via two complementary surveys.
Within the overarching theme of Creative Times: new models for cultural development, the 6th World Summit on Arts and Culture (January 2014) will focus on how globalisation, shifts in social and economic development, and new forms of communication are generating an array of challenges and opportunities within the cultural field, and on how this is impacting on the development of our societies and nations.
There are two complementary parts to this information-gathering process:
a) Identification by IFACCA of the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT and other key challenges) facing the cultural sector and government agencies; and
b) Identification by CNCA of new models of cultural development that respond to current crises and/or significant social transformations occurring globally together with the analysis of the understanding of different concepts in different geographical areas.
The CNCA questionnaire will be used to prepare the Discussion Paper to be prepared for the World Summit. The IFACCA questionnaire will also inform the Summit discussion as well as related IFACCA member activities such as the CEO Leadership seminar.
In order to collect this information, IFACCA and CNCA have developed the following questionnaires. The questionnaires are being sent to public arts funding agencies and cultural policy experts and other members of IFACCA’s and CNCA’s networks.
The IFACCA questionnaire can be accessed here:
The CNCA questionnaire can be accessed here:
The Glossary for the CNCA questionnaire can be found here:
We strongly encourage respondents to reply to both questionnaires. The questionnaires focus on different issues but are complementary and reflect the overall themes of the 6th World Summit on Arts and Culture.
All questionnaire respondents will have the opportunity to review and comment on the draft report before it is publicly distributed.
Please note that the deadline for responses is Tuesday 4 June 2013.
For further information on the World Summit theme, please visit