IFACCA is pleased to announce the launch of INRAE’s International Yearbook for Research in Arts Education, which includes a chapter authored by IFACCA – ‘Towards International Comparisons of Arts and Education Policies’.
The Yearbook has been edited by Eckart Liebau, Ernst Wagner and Max Wyman from the International Network for Research in Arts Education (INRAE) [http://www.arts-edu.org/] and includes the following sections:
- Parameters for Ongoing Discussion
- Providing Context: Theoretical and Historical Perspectives
- Research/Metaresearch
- Monitoring/Mapping
- Implementation
- Arts Education and Social/Societal/Political Development
- Perspectives
We congratulate INRAE on the publication of this book, and look forward to future discussions and developments in arts and education policy. The book is available here: http://www.waxmann.com/?id=20&cHash=1&buchnr=2896
For further information on IFACCA’s work in arts and education, please visit our topic page http://www.ifacca.org/topic/arts-education-research/