Jane Chu Confirmed as Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts

National Endowment for the Arts,
12 June 2014, USA

This afternoon, the United States Senate voted to confirm Jane Chu as the 11th chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts. The White House is expected to make the official appointment in the coming days and Chu will begin her appointment shortly thereafter.

Senior Deputy Chairman Joan Shigekawa has served as the agency's acting chairman and executive since Rocco Landesman left the NEA in December 2012.

Jane Chu said, "I’m honored to receive the Senate’s vote of confirmation, and I look forward to serving our nation as chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts. Together, we have the opportunity to show the value of connecting the arts to all Americans, and the importance of the arts in bringing communities together."

United States Senator Claire McCaskill (Mo.) said, “I have no doubt that Jane will make Missouri proud. She’s spent years enriching the culture and strengthening the business community in Kansas City, and I’m looking forward to seeing her bring that same leadership to the national stage.”

“I’m glad the Senate confirmed Dr. Chu’s nomination as chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts today," said United States Senator Roy Blunt (Mo.). "I was impressed by her successful oversight of the more than $400 million Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts project and I enjoyed visiting with her in Kansas City several weeks ago. I have no doubt Dr. Chu will serve as a valuable asset to the NEA."

