Mexico and Colombia meet to strengthen cultural cooperation

08 February 2015, Mexico

During 2015, Mexican culture will be present in Colombia through a cooperation program.

The president of the National Council for Culture and Arts (Conaculta), Rafael Tovar y de Teresa, and the Minister of Culture of Colombia, Mariana Garcés Córdoba, held a meeting in order to strengthen cultural relations and cooperation between the two countries.

Tovar y de Teresa said that during the XXIV Summit of Heads of State and Government, Latin American culture authorities agreed to develop a common Cultural Digital Agenda in order to foster information exchange between different countries in the region. 

The Digital Cultural Agenda, underlined Rafael Tovar y de Teresa, will ensure the maximum use of technological tools for better promotion and dissemination of our culture. The creation of this editorial and audiovisual platform will undoubtedly enable more people and new audiences to access culture.

In relation to the cultural component of the Pacific Alliance that includes Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile, Rafael Tovar y de Teresa said it is a historical fact that the four partners share a common cultural identity.

Also, Mexico and Colombia seek to exchange experiences to preserve their rich cultural heritage, he said. The exchange of information on experiences in the preservation of artistic, archaeological and historical heritage is one of the topics of mutual collaboration.

During 2015, the National Council for Culture and Arts and the Ministry of Culture of Colombia will run a program of activities including exhibitions and co-publications of books.

Mexico has with Latin America a historic agenda that gives a great presence to popular culture; for example, a lot of Mexican music forms part of the music in Colombia and vice versa, said Rafael Tovar y de Teresa.

As part of the meeting of the Mexican and Colombian culture authorities, the participants enjoyed a concert with four prominent voices: tenor Javier Camarena, mezzo-soprano Guadalupe Paz, soprano Karen Gardeazabal and baritone Jorge Lagunes.

The Ambassador of Mexico in Colombia, Arnulfo Valdivia, hosted a reception on Thursday evening for the four Mexican artists and President of Conaculta, Rafael Tovar y de Teresa, who was accompanied by José Luis Martínez, Director of International Affairs of Conaculta.

The presentation in Bogota of the four singers representing Mexico opened the cooperation between Mexico and Colombia for 2015, in which popular music, classical music, as well as directors and actors of film and theater at different festivals will be presented in the main cities of Colombia.