2nd Extraordinary session of the National Council for Culture

National Council for Culture of the Republic of Slovenia (Nacionalni svet za kulturo),
16 September 2015, Slovenia

The draft agenda:


1. Shrinking funds for Slovenian culture



The Government of the Republic of Slovenia for the year 2016 foresees a reduction in funds for culture for 17 million euros in 2017 and a further 19 million euros. Such contractions Slovenian culture can not survive without serious and lasting damage. In times of economic growth is reducing funds for culture inadmissible. Against such a view the government intend to organize a protest or extraordinary session of the National Council for Culture. Its success will depend on the participation and determination of all those who create in the field of culture.


Because we would like to ensure that the session as much as possible and maximize meaningful participation meeting will be held in the form of a debate, but as a protest with the opportunity for short statements of protest. Special declaration will also prepare NSK and it will be as a petition posted on the internet.
