Minister Nathi Mthethwa addresses Indaba on revision of White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage Sector

Department of Arts and Culture, republic of South Africa,
26 November 2015, South Africa

Arts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa will officially open the National Indaba on the Revision of the White Paper on Arts, Culture & Heritage Sector on Thursday, 26 November 2015 at 08:30 in Cedarwood, Woodmead, Johannesburg.


The Indaba which takes place for two days will be held under “Make Arts your Business: Accelerating the Transformation of the Sector through the Revision of the White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage.” During October and November, the Department of Arts and Culture embarked on public hearings on the revision of the 1996 White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage Sector in eight provinces. It is anticipated that the review process will provide a much needed socio-economic upliftment for our society and be instrumental for the ACH sector to combat the challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment facing the country; as well as keep abreast of the development impact on the sector such as technology, intellectual property and others while ensuring that the interests of the sector are protected, promoted and considered.


“The revision of the White Paper will overcome policy gaps and challenges, offer solutions and provide short to medium-term recommendations for the Department and the sector, focusing on opportunities to broaden participation in the sector and create sustainable livelihoods. The policy has contributed immensely in the promotion, protection and preservation of the sector including engendering social cohesion and nation building,” said Minister Mthethwa.


Upon its adoption in 1996, the White Paper provided a key policy framework for the Department and the entire sector and set a tone for redress, transformation, protection, preservation and promotion of the South African arts, culture & heritage products, services and offerings.


“It is almost 20 years and a lot has happened within government; the adoption of the National Development Plan, the centrality of the Nation Building and Social Cohesion agenda. It is an opportunity for the Department and the entire sector to craft a new vision for the South African arts culture and heritage for the next 20 years and this is in line with the National Development Plan. The White Paper has been a seminal document for the transformation and repositioning of the arts, culture and heritage sector broadly in the economic development,” said Minister Mthethwa. Members of the media are invited.