In accordance with Articles 101.b of the Law on the Protection and Preservation of Cultural Heritage (Official Gazette No. 69/99, 151/03, 157/03, 87/09, 88/10, 61/11, 25/12 , 136/12, 157/13 and 152/14), the Ordinance on keeping the contents of registers and records of the trade of movable cultural property and other cultural objects that have artistic, historical, archaeological and other meaning (Official Gazette No. 77 / 15).
The Ordinance stipulates that natural and legal persons engaged in mobile traffic in cultural property and other cultural objects that have artistic, historical, archaeological and other meaning, are obliged to apply for registration in the Register administered by the Ministry of culture and keep records of purchases and sales and other legal activities in these cultural assets and cultural objects, in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance. The purpose of keeping the Register and record purchases and sales, and other legal activities is the prevention of illegal activities traffic in cultural property.
Under Article 101.b of the Act, the authorities will carry out inspections of the implementation of the above provisions of the Act and the Regulations.