During our 15 years of operation, the International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies has witnessed firsthand the ways in which culture networks operate, advocate, manage change, and evolve. In order to share this experience and better understand the workings of culture networks around the world, in 2015 we held a workshop in Singapore – THRIVE: Networking Culture Leaders – in partnership with the Asia-Europe Foundation.
The workshop was attended by 20 participants from 16 countries and was designed to enable them to share their experiences and discuss how the operations and impact of international cultural networks might be enhanced. In preparation, we conducted a survey to identify existing skills and knowledge exchange, capacity building needs, challenges of leadership, and advocacy in international networks. The results of the survey were then used to guide discussions during workshop sessions, which addressed a range of issues including corporate governance, evaluation, diversifying funding sources, communications and advocacy.
This report draws together the outcomes of these discussions and the responses to the survey, which was circulated more widely after the workshop to gain greater insight into the work and future of culture networks worldwide. It also includes introductory chapters from Dr Aleksandra Uzelac and Anna Steinkamp, which provide theoretical context around the conceptual frameworks and governance of cultural networks. The report showcases the continued role of both formal and informal cultural networks, their activities, their members, and the challenges and opportunities that they face.
Like many of our fellow culture networks, we remain committed to providing valuable services to members, sharing knowledge and analysis, creating networking opportunities, and advocating for a world in which arts and culture thrive and are recognised for their contribution to society. We hope this report will help advance the shared agenda of everyone in our network, assist leaders of other culture networks in their work, and act as a preliminary directory of international cultural networks.
New D'Art Report on International Culture Networks
IFACCA - International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies,
16 August 2016, International