Call for papers: MGS Conference 2017: Inequalities: Bridging the Gap

Museums Galleries Scotland,
12 December 2016, Scotland

Museums Galleries Scotland would like to invite submissions of papers for presentation at their 2017 conference, Inequalities: Bridging the Gap

The MGS conference offers a cost effective platform through which Scotland’s museums and galleries can network and engage with practical and relevant content, helping the sector to develop and work towards delivering against the National Strategy aims and objectives.

Inequalities: Bridging the Gap will focus on museums addressing inequalities. The day will be organised around three sub-themes:

  • Education: both formal and informal learning
  • Health: including well-being
  • Widening access: including involving and engaging communities

The conference will create opportunities for knowledge exchange between museums and galleries and other sectors. We would welcome submissions from people outside the museum sector, keen to share knowledge relevant to the conference themes, as well as from those within the sector.
The day will consist of a mix of presentations, keynote and parallel sessions, and there will be a marketplace of organisations that can support museums.
For more information, see our website 
Deadline for submission: 17 February 2017