An online exhibition of artworks by Black artists from Africa and its Diaspora explores the misrepresentations of Black identity by A.I., which they say offers “a fragmentary, perhaps even violent, picture.”
Black Artists Use A.I. to Make Work That Reveals the Technology’s Inbuilt Biases for a New Online Show
03 July 2023, International
World Summit on Arts and Culture: Arts Council Korea to host 10th edition in Seoul in May 2025
Culture in Emergencies in the Pacific Region
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Visual arts
Se realizó el Foro de Federalización e Internacionalización de Artes Visuales
Ministerio de las Culturas inicia proceso participativo para elaborar proyecto de Ley de Artes de la Visualidad
See all news from Visual arts
Technology and digitalisation
La educación, la ciencia y la cultura: elementos clave de la transformación digital de Iberoamérica, apuntan autoridades en un foro en Nueva York
Cultural heritage goes digital in Cyprus
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