Festival des arts du pays

21 February 2015, New Caledonia

The Government of New Caledonia is organizing the second edition of Country Arts Festival, "Culture and Citizenship", which will take place from 21 February 2015 to 21 February 2016.

The opening of the festival will take place at Ouégoa, February 21, 2015, at the International Language Day Kindergarten.

Throughout the Arts Festival of Country will be the selection of artists who will represent New Caledonia in the 12 th Pacific Arts Festival in Guam, from 22 May to 4 June 2016, whose theme is "Our cultural heritage, our heritage natural, our common heritage and harmony of the voices of Oceania. "

The representing artists from five disciplines will be selected by a jury. Artforms will include:  Slam , Poetry , Stories , lullabies and Genealogical Speech.