The 12th Oracle Seminar will be held in Luxembourg from 22-24 April 2010, featuring plenary think-piece presentations, workshops, one-to-one conversations, research/encounters/exchanges offering ideas for new services and many of the connections and capabilities needed to implement them.
Oracle is about two questions: what type of cultural projects are needed to enable bottom-up, edge-in social innovation, and how do we design them?
ORACLE is a network of European Cultural managers, having their focus on projects of European dimension and who are of the opinion, that intercultural co-operations are of big importance in modern Europe, especially within the context of the European Union as a political construct. The crucial difference to other European Cultural Networks is that Oracle's members are not associations but individuals.
Contact: Tamara Jokovic, Secretary, Oracle Cultural Network, 2 Place M.Van Meenen, B-1060 Brussels, Belgium; e-mail: [email protected];