Patent Disclosure relating to Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge
01 January 2000, Switzerland
The World Intellectual Property Organisation and the United Nations Environment Programme have released a joint study that explores the role of intellectual property rights and sharing benefits from the use of biological resources and associated traditional knowledge.
More than 1500 grassroots organisations contributed to the publication, which highlights the need, when genetic resources are first accessed, for a clear understanding of intellectual property issues. The study also explores issues of informed consent and investigates the potential for achieving mutually beneficial partnership where traditional communities are involved.
A pre-publication version of the study was made available by UNEP and WIPO to the Ministerial Meeting at the Seventh Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the CBD in Kuala Lumpur in February this year.
The final publication, which includes detailed case studies from Nigeria, Mali and India, may be ordered from the WIPO Electronic Bookshop at