Popcorn Taxi Sydney screens AFC shorts at new guidelines session

05 July 2002, Australia

As part of the AFC's free guideline information session on Monday July 8, Popcorn Taxi Sydney will screen two AFC-funded shorts. Australia's only competition entry in Cannes this year, Anthony Lucas's animation Holding Your Breath will screen with Lynne B Williams' Whispering In The Dark in its first public screening. The Australian Film Commission information session provides an opportunity to meet local AFC project managers face-to-face, and gain a greater understanding of the new AFC film-maker submission guidelines just announced. On-stage speakers from the AFC will include: Carole Sklan, Director of Film Development Julia Overton, Project Manager Jackie McKimmie, Project Manager Megan Simpson Huberman, Project Manager Popcorn Taxi, Monday July 8th 2002 at Valhalla Cinema, 166 Glebe Point Road, Glebe. Doors open 7:15PM for 7:30PM screening. Entry is free, with no bookings required. (Films are classified 18+)