Patricia Piccinini to represent Australia at Venice Biennale

10 September 2002, Australia

Digital artist Patricia Piccinini has recently been selected by the Australia Council to represent Australia at the 2003 Venice Biennale. Selected from more than 100 applications, Piccinini 36, is renowned internationally as one of Australia’s most exciting emerging artists, creating works that examine the relationship between genetic engineering and human life. At the Biennale she will exhibit her well-known works; Game Boy Advanced, Still Life with Stem Cells and Siren Moles, amongst others, in a home space created at the Biennale’s Australian Pavilion. Commissioner for the 2003 Biennale, Victoria Lynn, has commented that Piccinini ‘will create a stunning suite of sculptural life forms, both lovable and strange, that will transform the Pavilion into a futuristic home environment.' 'Her work is powerful, moving and very much of the present moment. The combination of Piccinini's work with Linda Michael as curator will make for a memorable contribution at the Biennale of Venice next year,' she added. Further information on Piccinini and her artwork is available online at;