D'Art Report: Artists' International Mobility Programns

IFACCA and Informal European Theatre Meeting,
06 December 2004, Australia

This report examines policies and strategies for international artists’ mobility and considers the different points of view of key players (eg. government agency, policy maker, arts organization, individual artist) that can affect how a program is perceived. It offers typologies for analyzing international mobility programs and provides indicators of best practice for policy makers developing international artists’ mobility programs.

The report aims to be a source of references and links to programs and providers of resources for artists’ mobility around the world, covering supranational, national and regional levels. Given the huge scope of the question, the report cannot be regarded as a definitive listing of all such programs and policies. There are many programs that offer resources for artists’ exchange not covered by the report: projects operating at a local, regional and national level, as part of intergovernmental bilateral and multilateral agreements, and other initiatives such as international town twinning. Nevertheless, the report is a good starting point for exploring artists' mobility initiatives in more detail.
