Relevance, utility & use of (quasi-)arm's length financing mechanisms
Policies for Culture.Org,
08 February 2005
Delia Mucica, Ph.D. has released a background paper for the Policies for Culture Forum, on Relevance, utility & use of (quasi-)arm's length financing mechanisms in South Eastern Europe. The aim of opening up this debate, she says, is two-fold: 'We expect to share information and experiences on the functioning of such arm's length financing mechanisms in our countries and, on the other hand, to find and share possible ways of improving their operations and their impact on the cultural life. In doing so, we shall find ourselves in the not very enviable position of assessing not only "their" operations and activity, but ours, as well.' The paper asks key questions concerning the relevance, utility, financing, accountability, operations, resources and distribution procedures of current financing mechanisms in SEE countries, and explores the way those in the cultural sector relate to, and perceive these models. It is listed as background for the Policies for Culture Forum - a new interactive website tool that allows a space for discussion and exchange of current issues on the agenda of cultural policy research in South East Europe. All those interested are invited to contribute to the proposed topic or to suggest a topic of interest which can be of regional relevance. To read Relevance, utility & use of (quasi-)arm's length financing mechanisms in SEE, CLICK HERE. To access the Forum, visit