Arts and media partnership receives Arts Council award

01 August 2005, Australia

The talent behind an innovative creative partnership using art to promote water conservation and environmental sustainability in Brisbane, has been awarded the country’s prestigious Australia Council Media Arts Award. The award, shared by the Brisbane Riverfestival and goa Billboards, was presented by Australia Council CEO, Jennifer Bott, at the annual Australia Business Arts Foundation Awards in Sydney. Ms Bott congratulated Riverfestival and goa for what she described as a great project. “It partners the arts with media to deliver an important social message,” she said. “And best of all, art created by talented young people is displayed for all of Brisbane to see.” Brisbane school students worked with artists and teachers to develop creative billboards featuring environmental slogans in the lead up to Riverclean -- part of the Brisbane Riverfestival. Selected works were then displayed on prominent goa Billboard sites around Brisbane for one month. “Riverfestival is thrilled with this award recognising our initiative with long-term sponsor goa Billboards,” said Jonathan Parsons, Riverfestival director. “It is great to work with a like-minded organisation, interested in really engaging with the community to raise awareness of environmental sustainability.” This year saw strong competition for the national award which honours arts and media organisations working together, using innovation and creativity, to promote the value of the arts. For further information, CLICK HERE