Artists in Large Canadian Cities

Hills Strategies Research,
01 March 2006, Canada

This report provides an analysis of artists residing in 92 municipalities across Canada with at least 50,000 residents in 2001. The 92,000 artists in the 92 large Canadian cities represent 70% of the 130,700 artists in Canada. Statistics in the report show that, among large Canadian cities:
  • Vancouver has the highest percentage of labour force in the arts
  • Toronto has the highest average earnings of artists
  • Montreal has the highest average earnings of artists as a percentage of average local labour force earnings
  • Barrie had the largest percentage increase in the number of artists between 1991 and 2001
  • B.C. has a large number of municipalities with high concentrations of artists. Based on the 2001 census, the key statistics for each large city in the full report are: the number of artists (overall and in each of nine arts occupations); artists as a percentage of the overall labour force; artists’ average earnings; and the change in the number of artists between 1991 and 2001. The full report, a national-level Executive Summary and regional press releases are available HERE.