12 February 2007, Canada

The International Network for Cultural Diversity (INCD) has issued an urgent call for members. INCD Executive Director Garry Neil says that support is needed "urgently" if the organisation is to carry out an aggressive agenda in 2007 and beyond. "INCD must now work politically to promote the implementation of the norms established by the UNESCO Convention, in all policies affecting cultural diversity." "At our annual meeting in Rio de Janeiro in November 2006, INCD launched a new phase in our campaigns and we need you to join us as we work together to: * Ensure the widespread ratification of the Convention and make it as effective as possible as a shield against trade agreements and a tool for cultural development. * Promote culture-driven development, advocate for cultural development to be integrated into the UN's Millennium Development Goals through the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers and work to integrate cultural impact assessment into economic development frameworks and processes. * Promote South/South and South/North cultural exchanges to counter the current domination of cultural markets by a few large players and reverse the trend toward cultural homogenization. * Encourage media democracy, media reform and media pluralism. * Focus attention on vulnerable languages and cultures, particularly those of indigenous peoples, and support communities struggling against cultural extinction. * Continue to raise awareness of the profound cultural implications of bilateral and multilateral trade and investment agreements." "INCD will continue to engage actively with governments, intergovernmental agencies and other civil society movements. To do this successfully requires that we find even more energy and resources."