Award-winning choreographer appointed country's first ‘Dance Champion’ for young people

04 April 2008, England

Acclaimed dancer and choreographer Wayne McGregor is to be the Government’s first Youth Dance Champion. His appointment, by Culture Minister Margaret Hodge, follows swiftly on the heels of the recent publication of Tony Hall’s Dance Review and the Government Response, which identified how cross-Government work could raise the profile of, and increase access to, dance for more young people, both in and out of school.

Wayne McGregor’s new role as Youth Dance Champion will see him working as an ambassador, inspiring and championing dance, and a promoter of dance to young people, both boys and girls. 

Margaret Hodge said: 'I am thrilled that Wayne McGregor has agreed to become Youth Dance Champion.  His career, still in its infancy in many ways, has spanned the whole spectrum of dance.  He will be an inspiring role model for young people across the country. What we have begun with our response to Tony Hall’s Review - and are supporting through the creation of an expanded Youth Dance England - we will continue by raising the profile of dance among young people, as well as schools and parents.'