National arts and disability strategy

Cultural Minister’s Council (CMC),
06 October 2008, Australia

The Cultural Minister’s Council (CMC) brings together arts and cultural ministers from Australia and New Zealand.  In February 2008, the CMC agreed to develop a National Arts and Disabililty Strategy which is about giving people with a disability a greater voice in the develoment of arts policy and practices.

Right now, a working group is gathering information to develop the strategy and you are invited to take part by sharing your experiences, your expectations and your ideas.   The CMC wants to hear from you about what works and what doesn’t.    By having your say you will be part of nationwide, Government approach which aims to increase access and participation in the arts for people with a disability.  And that’s good news for everyone.

Taking part is easy.  Go to the CMC website and read, see or listen to the discussion paper online. Your can email/fax or mail your submissions, but you must read the discussion paper to respond.

Submissions close:   3 November 2008

Contact can also be made with Gareth Wreford, Executive Director, Arts Access Australia; [email protected];