Funding Arts and Culture under Canada's 39th Parliament

Canadian Conference of the Arts,
01 November 2008, Canada

Despite several warnings about the difficulties of making an accurate analysis of Canadian Heritage's cultural funding over time, this report does shed some light on recent trends in Canadian Heritage's cultural funding.
The report finds that "overall funding to key grants and contribution programs ... has remained relatively stable over the past three fiscal years". However, "there have been a number of budget reallocations within the Department". The trend in these budget reallocations seems to be a shift between two departmental strategic outcomes: away from the outcome of helping "Canadians express and share their diverse cultural experiences with each other and the world" (including funding for the arts and culture) and toward the outcome of ensuring that "Canadians live in an inclusive society built on inter-cultural understanding and citizen participation".
Departmental funding for the first outcome (including cultural funding) fell by $17.8 million in 2008, while funding for the second outcome increased by $46.1 million. These shifts mean that funding for the first outcome decreased from 57% to 55% of total departmental funding.
The report provides information about funding for various grants and contribution programs, funding for key agencies and Crown Corporations, as well as the overall structure of Canadian Heritage programs.