Valuing the past

Ministry of Education,
15 March 2009, Togo

The Minister of Communication and Culture, Oulégoh Kéyéwa, attended Saturday Kantè in Kéran, the traditional feast Tislm-Lifoini-Oboudam. This celebration of the harvest and reunion between the son of Lamba, Tamberma, Ngangan, Gnandi and Sola, Tislm-Lifoini-Oboudam was placed this year under the banner of reconciliation and unity among all peoples.

On behalf of the Head of State, the Minister congratulated the people of Kéran for the perfect organization of this cultural encounter.

"We can not walk without a compass in hand. This experience underlines the truth that is the enhancement of our past and our cultural heritage. From this point of view, the prefecture of Kéran is a symbol," said Oulégoh Kéyéwa .

"Your festival traces and relive significant moments in the rich history of the Kéran in close communion with their cultures," he said.

Throughout the years, Togo organizes many cultural events which are all symbols of the variety and richness of the populations living in the country.

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