Culture for Development Directory - KIT Information Portal

KIT Information and Library Services,
15 January 2013, Netherlands

In this portal the focus is on tangible and intangible heritage through museums and the performing arts in or in relation to developing countries. It includes themes such as cultural partnerships between north and south, museum development in developing countries, cultural emergency response, theatre exchanges, performing arts and theatre for development. Furthermore, also resources on national, regional and global cultural policies are selected since they may provide background information on these themes.

The portal provides access to free, full-text electronic documents on culture for development. It is also an unique entry point for all other internet resources, including newsletters, discussion groups, websites, bibliographic databases, and directories of organizations and projects. Our ambition is to provide (almost) full coverage on the aforementioned themes.

For whom?
The target audience is formed by the global community of professionals, including researchers, policy-makers, cultural activists, and students involved in international museum and theatre development and cultural exchange. We especially want to provide relevant information to professionals in developing countries.

The idea for a portal on Culture for Development originated with the Tropenmuseum and Tropentheater as a result of their activities in the area of International Cooperation. The portal is managed and developed by KIT Information and Library Services.

Ongoing development
Over the next few years, we will further expand and develop this and other portals. Your comments, questions and suggestions are welcome. You may post these to the editor of this portal: [email protected]