Public and Private Cultural Exchange-Based Diplomacy: New Models for the 21st Century

Salzburg Global Seminar,
30 January 2013, Austria

The fifty-four participants of the Salzburg Global Seminar Session 490 on “Public and Private Cultural Exchange-Based Diplomacy” met at an auspicious moment in the evolution of international cultural engagement. As comment after comment at the Seminar made clear, there is a palpable sense of opportunity in the field. The tone and texture of cultural discourse, the range of included voices in creative practices, the organizational and technological infrastructure for conducting transnational cultural exchanges, are all undergoing a sea change—and generally for the better.

A report outlining the thinking that took place in Salzburg focusing on the future of international cultural engagement is now available, along with three white papers that were commissioned for the session and which provide much food for thought on the following themes: new roles for public and private organizations in future cultural exchange, global shifts in power and related changes in the parameters of cultural engagement, and the impact of social media and new communication technologies on cultural dialogue in the 21st century.

To download the report, click here.
For a list of the participants at the seminar, click here.

To access the three white papers mentioned above, see the external link below.