A call for papers for a special session on gender and culture, 'Women, Science and Human Security: From Indigenous Knowledge to ICT' has been released. The session will be part of the 12th Pacific Science Inter-Congress to be held at The University of the South Pacific in July 8-12, 2013.
Papers are invited on a wide range of topics relating to gender and human security, women, science and development, the interconnections between gender equality and sustainable development, the contribution of women's knowledge from indigenous knowledge to new information and communication technologies, and topics relevant to gender equality as both a core human right and development goal for the Pacific region.
Co-organizers of the session:
- Dr. Priya Chattier, Coordinator, Gender Studies Programme, University of the South Pacific; and
- Dr. Nancy Lewis, Director, Research Program, East-West Center, President, Pacific Science Association
Abstract Deadline: March 31. Register here.