Colombia hosts the first meeting of the Market Committee of Cultural Industries of the South, MICSUR

Ministerio de Cultura ,
21 May 2013, Colombia

The Cultural Entrepreneurship group of the Ministry of Culture summons the executive committee members of MICSUR to the first preparatory meeting of cultural industries.

The creation of Cultural Industries Market of the South was decided in the Second Meeting of Directors and Public Officials of Cultural Industries REDIC in Argentina in April 2013 in order to create space for the development and strengthening of cultural industries in the south and find a place to articulate the continent's cultural work.

The first preparatory meeting of the Cultural Industries Market of the South, will be held in Bogota from 23 to 24 May this year. The aims of the meeting are to define the basic guidelines, identify the target audience and the sectors involved and to develop the market strategy and scope.

The committee is formed by Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador and Colombia, who were invited by the Minister of Culture, Mariana Garcés, to develop and participate in this first meeting.

The participants include National Director of Cultural Industries of the Secretary of Culture of Argentina, Rodolfo Hamawi, the advisor to the National Directorate of Cultural Industries of the Secretary of Culture of Argentina, Bárbara Golubicki, the adviser to the National Directorate of Cultural Industries of the Secretary of Culture of Argentina, Gabriel Lerman, the Distribution and Programming Coordinator of Amazonia Films of the Ministry of Popular Power for Culture of Venezuela, Ismael Llinás, and advisor to the Ministry of Culture of Ecuador, Alberto Gordillo.

The agenda of the meeting, among others, will include an overview of the status of cultural markets in Latin America, the experiences of construction and operation, and the benefits of these spaces, and success stories such as the Market of Cultural Industries of Argentina, MICA, and the cultural market in Medellin, Circulart. The meeting will also try to define the structure for MICSUR and a working plan for other Latin American countries.
The goal is to carry out the Market of Cultural Industries of the South in 2014. This market will be a great platform for integration and movement of our entrepreneurs and cultural industries throughout the Latin American continent.