Culture as Goal in the Post-2015 Development Agenda

24 October 2013, International

IFACCA has been working closely with Agenda 21 for Culture, the International Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity and Culture Action Europe, on the development of a document that outlines our suggestion for a goal specifically focussed on culture: Culture as Goal in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. 

Culture as Goal in the Post-2015 Development Agenda, which outlines the justification for a goal for culture and puts forward several targets and indicators will be submitted to various key UN bodies. The wording suggested for the goal is: Ensure cultural sustainability for the wellbeing of all. We encourage other agencies to circulate this document and make their own submissions and provide any feedback or suggestions for action. The partners hope to launch a facebook site soon. 

As mentioned in previous editions of ACORNS and on IFACCA's Culture and Development topic page, IFACCA has been active in advocating for culture to be acknowledged in the future UN development goals as an enabler and driver of sustainable development.  

This document is also available in French and Spanish.