IFACCA elects new board members and Alan Davey re-appointed as Chair

31 January 2014, Australia

At IFACCA’s 5th General Assembly, held in Santiago de Chile on 13 January, IFACCA members elected five new board members: Felipe M. de Leon (Philippines); Dong Zhanshun (China); Kerstin Brunnberg (Sweden); Mwajim Malgwi Maidugu (Nigeria); and Datuk Norliza Binti Rofli (Malaysia).

Other board members were also re-elected: Alan Davey (England) , Poul Bache (Denmark), Bilel Aboudi (Tunisia) and Stephen Wainwright (New Zealand), and Elise Huffer (Fiji) continues in her board role. New and re-elected board members had the opportunity to meet at the first official board meeting following the conclusion of the World Summit on 17 January. 

For profiles of each board member, please see the IFACCA board page.

The board also re-elected Alan Davey (Chief Executive, Arts Council England) as its Chair, and Poul Bache as Treasurer.

