Suspension of the ConnectCP website

27 February 2014, Australia

We regret to announce the imminent closure of ConnectCP unless funds can be found to re-launch the initiative and upgrade data security.

In 2012, as part of its Strategic Plan for 2011-2014, IFACCA conducted a review of ConnectCP in order to assess its impact and the ways in which it might be improved. The review included a survey of users and experts listed on ConnectCP and a survey of IFACCA members; analyses of web statistics, financial data and SWOT; and discussions with the board and staff of IFACCA, researchers, and other key individuals related to the project.

The review found that ConnectCP is a unique and well-respected project and has been a valuable tool for IFACCA members and the wider cultural policy community. However, the review also identified some major challenges for the project in light of the levels of user expectation created by enormously successful social media sites such as Linked In, Facebook and The review identified a range of interactivity, security and data protection features that could substantially improve ConnectCP and broaden its impact and usage.

During 2013 IFACCA approached a variety of funding sources to seek the support required to introduce such enhancements. However, despite significant efforts, IFACCA has been unable to secure the financial resources necessary to undertake the enhancements required now and in the coming years.

On 17 February 2014 ConnectCP became a static site with no functionality to add or modify profiles.  If a solution is not found, the system will shut down on 4 April and the data will be maintained in a secure database held by IFACCA with no public access. In this way, we will still have the profile information intact in case an opportunity arises in the near future to re-establish an online version of the database. This information applies to all profiles held in ConnectCP, whether or not they are currently published online.  

IFACCA will also continue to look for financial solutions before the end of March.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank partners and experts for their support that during the past seven years has provided global visibility, networking and international dialogue opportunities to over one thousand cultural policy professionals from 128 countries.

Click here to visit the ConnectCP website.