UN post-2015 development agenda : final round of talks

#culture2015goal and IFACCA,
26 February 2015, International

Update of the International campaign for the inclusion of culture in the UN post-2015 agenda. The last round of negotiations on the UN post-2015 development agenda launched in NYC on January 19, 2015. The Endorsement to Declaration reached 2,200 signatories from 120 countries, including more than 800 organizations.

•UN Secretary General synthesis report ”“The Road to Dignity by 2030", released on Dec. 4 as a lead up the final round of negotiations on the post-2015 Development Agenda. It recognizes the enabling role of culture: 

“We must also mobilize the power of culture in the transformative change we seek. Our world is a remarkable mosaic of diverse cultures, informing our evolving understanding of sustainable development. We still have much to learn from cultures as we build the world we want. If we are to succ governments. It must be embraced by people. Culture, in differenteed, the new agenda cannot remain the exclusive domain of institutions and aspects, will thus be an important force in supporting the new agenda.” (Para. 132)

•Global networks leading the campaign “The Future We Want Includes Culture” have responded to the report by calling for the outcome document to more fully embrace the transformative potential of culture. The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) has issued its own response with emphasis on access to information.

•Consultations with UN member states in preparation for the final round of negotiations indicate reluctance to reopen the outcome document of the Open Working Group containing 17 goals and 169 targets, if only to streamline it although there is no consensus on this.

•Focus is likely to shift to targets and indicators, with an emphasis on measuring tangible results and accountability. UNSG synthesis report calls for indicators to include other measures than GDP. 

•Global cultural networks have just issued their proposal of indicators “Recognizing the role of culture to strengthen the UN post-2015 Development Agenda”. They argue for taking into account the great strides accomplished by multilateral organizations such as the OECD, UIS, UNESCO, WIPO, UNCTAD and the World Bank in meeting the challenge of universal comparative data for culture.
