The Ministry of Culture organized a meeting of the foreign assistance Council in the culture field, where had participated representatives from the European Union Delegation in the Republic of Moldova, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the US Agency for International Development, the Embassy of Romania in the Republic of Moldova, the Embassy of France in the Republic of Moldova, the Embassy of Germany in the Republic of Moldova, the United Nations Development Programme, the Novateca Program, the Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency, as well as the head of the Ministry of Culture, representatives of the State Chancellery and the Ministry Finance.
At the beginning of the meeting, the Minister of Culture, Monica Babuc thanked to all foreign partners for the constant support of projects that aim to develop the culture field in the Republic of Moldova, noting the latest external collaborations concerning the restoration of national heritage objectives, modernization of public libraries in the country, organization of various training sessions for managers from the field of culture and cultural operators, support accorded to the elaboration and promotion of dossiers for registration in the UNESCO World Heritage List of heritage objectives and development of various projects and cultural events. The official spoke about the main priorities and activities of the Ministry of Culture for 2016, mentioning the necessity of implementation of some actions at the institutional level such as institutional capacity consolidation, insurance of the activity of the National Centre of Cinematography, creation of the National Center for analysis and training in the culture field, capacity consolidation for the Creative Europe Bureau and the promotion of the EU Creative Europe Programme in the Republic of Moldova, as well as the reglementation in the culture domain and support of the cultural heritage.
During the talks were noted several priorities for foreign assistance grant such as realization of feasibility studies concerning the cultural consumption, the cinema national fund, the situation of the concert and theater institutions, in the context of reforming public institutions and the performance management promotion. Also, there were discussed the necessity of development of the capacities of the representatives of local authorities with the scope of diversification and improvement of the offer of the decentralized cultural services and capabilities of the cultural operators in the projects management and directing. Another special topic was referred to support the restoration and preservation projects of national cultural heritage and elaboration of the legal framework that is necessary to initiate a national program for saving noble manor houses. In the base of the public policy „The growth of the economical weight of cultural/creative industries”, recently elaborated by the Ministry of Culture, it was approached the problem concerning the achievement of some start-up projects in the creative field.
During the meeting Deputy Minister of Culture, George Postică had presented the priorities of Old Orhei Reserve, its promotion into UNESCO World Heritage List, but the State Secretary, Andrei Chistol noted main actions undertaken by the Ministry of Culture on the implementation of the national action Plan for the implementation of the Association Agreement between the Republic of Moldova – the European Union 2014- 2016, including the elaboration of the State Programme concerning the protection and promotion of the national cultural heritage, that is included in UNESCO lists, adherence to the European Union Programme „Creative Europe”, implementation of EU projects in the Republic of Moldova concerning the decentralization in the culture field (TAIEX) and consolidation of the heritage protection institutions (TWINNING).
The representatives of the diplomatic corps and the international organizations from the Republic of Moldova, who were present at the meeting, had appreciated the intention to organize regularly, such meetings, the first meeting took place on May last year, and they have shown an interest to continue the dialogue concerning the grand of the technical assistance for development of various projects in the culture field from the Republic of Moldova.