Consultation on culture

Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs,
27 April 2016, Iceland

The annual consultative meeting of Education and Culture and the Federation of Icelandic artists was held yesterday

According to custom, with the main issues relating to career artists in companies within the Federation of Icelandic Artists and involvement in the arts and other cultural. The statement Illugi Gunnarsson, Minister of Culture, spoke first new fund to sponsor recordings. His organization was among the recommendations of the Working offensive opportunities Icelandic music and music performers, appointed by the minister last year. There was much discussion about kvikmyndamál and the celebration of the National Broadcasting will increase their budgets for the production of Icelandic material in cooperation with independent producers. Also discussed were the fight for the equal representation of women and men in the film and the minister announced that it would include taking in the proposed agreement kvikmyndamál.The Community pointed out that cuts in Radio Broadcasting and revenues had a direct impact on the election of a number of artists who were no longer employed in individual projects.

And copyright fees on devices which record the subject was discussed from many sides. Artists indicated that these revenues had deteriorated very much in recent years as buy a few CDs and tape recorder nowadays. In some states have been opted to lay these charges of and establish a fund that will partly offset the revenue for artists. Elsewhere, the equipment has been increased categories of expenses are taken by, for example, from computers and mobile phones. With the increased flow of materials in order to load it into the plot thickens even further because the users pay for the use of such music and raises the question of whether to pay twice the fee of its use, ie first load the price of the device and then subscribe to the flow. By the Ministry stated that while there are still so many unsolved doubt or úrlausnarmál in this material is natural that it will take time to reach a decision.

A variety of other issues were discussed, such as children's culture, "Literature Country Iceland", cooperation at Íslandsstofa artist salaries and proposed legislation on the performing arts. The relevant Minister and Kolbrún Halldórsdóttir CAR President stated satisfaction with the meeting and underlined the importance of consultation and conversation of this kind.