Focus culture

Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Cabinet de la Culture,
23 June 2016, Belgium

The "Facts" portion of this fifth edition include reveals:

- Culture in the strict sense represents 6% of the 10 billion budget of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels (culture now includes the Audiovisual and Media) - 3165 cultural operators share 596 million divided into 10,955 grants ; - The average grant is € 30,247; but the distribution is not linear, since 6597 grants (63%) are of less than € 6,000 while 169 grants (2%) are worth more than € 250,000; these 138 grants alone consume 48% of the budget - 31% of cultural expenditure is allocated to the creation function, 31% to education and 24% for dissemination; - 40% of the expenditure falls within the area of Participation cultural, 27% ​​of Performing Arts; - 77% of beneficiaries are non-profit organizations, 11% are natural persons; - the average subsidy per operator is € 104,645, it is € 1,929 per operator if one considers only the 30% of all small beneficiaries (949) which together consume only 0.6% of the budget; - the average subsidy per capita in FWB is 72 €; - 2131 files were analyzed by an instance independent opinion before decision to grant or not grant; - More than 51 million are granted to operators under the Decree on subsidizing employment in community areas, allowing the financing of some 6000 jobs not merchants the benefit of 750 socio-cultural sector operators; - 94.7% of the budget is allocated to short term grants 'mandatory', ie resulting from decrees or provisions of multiyear agreements and program contracts.