More films to more people

Ministry of Culture, Sweden,
21 September 2016, Sweden

The Government is proposing new initiatives so that more films reach more people. By abolishing classification fees, strengthening the initiative to digitise our film heritage by SEK 2.5 million annually and increasing the film subsidy by SEK 20 million from 2019, the Government is taking a yet another step toward this goal.

The initiatives are included in the Budget Bill for 2017, which is based on an agreement between the government parties and the Left Party.

The Government's goal is that more films reach more people. Swedish films are to be a natural and accessible choice for audiences. They are to be distributed and screened in various screening formats throughout the country. Film is a key art form in modern society. It reaches the majority of people regardless of age and background, and thus has a unique impact. Film as an idiom helps to both describe and challenge the times we live in – to entertain and question.

Classification fees to be abolished

To enable more films to reach more people, the Government wants to abolish classification fees in 2017. In the Budget Bill, the Government announces that such a proposal will be presented in autumn 2016. Once the fees disappear, costs for film distributors will decrease by SEK 3–4 million per year. This will free up resources that the film industry can use for other purposes, such as increased funds for the promotion of films or for investments in the production of new films. Abolishing the fees will also make it possible for distributors to age rate more films. Small distributors of non-mainstream films in particular have not always had the financial means to have their films age rated. If more films are submitted for classification, more films can also be made accessible to children and young people under the age of 15.

At present, film distributors pay a classification fee so that the Swedish Media Council can set an age rating on the films screened in cinemas for children under the age of 15.

A more accessible film heritage

The Government proposes increasing the current funding to digitise our film heritage by SEK 2.5 million annually from 2017. Just as new films can provide new insights into our present time, films from the common film heritage can provide useful insights into the lifestyles, values and issues of other times. It is therefore important that the digitised film heritage is preserved for the long term and can be screened for more people in Sweden and abroad.

Increased film support

It is proposed that the new film policy be strengthened by allocating an additional SEK 20 million annually in film support from 2019. Making a film takes time. It requires long-term and stable economic conditions.