Banff Research in Culture: Year 2067

Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity,
06 December 2016, Canada

This year’s (2017) Banff Research in Culture program asks: what might the world look like in fifty years and what can we do to shape it?  Moving beyond apocalyptic predictions, post-apocalyptic theories, and techno-utopianism, this program aims to shake up our sense of the political, social, and environmental. We urgently need to interrogate everything from the nation-state system—which assigns vast differences of wealth and opportunity to the good fortune of where one is born and who one is—to the faith in “progress” as a concept that allows us to easily imagine that this year will be more prosperous than the one before it.  2067 asks us to prod and plot the pathway from a present that needs work, to a future that works better.