On 30 May 2018, the proposal for the Creative Europe Programme 2021-2027 was presented by the European Commission. NEMO welcomes the proposal of the Commission and is happy to see that the Creative Europe’s total budget increases to 1.8 billions (+27%), which includes a 35% increase to €609 million for the CULTURE strand. The future Creative Europe programme also includes a focus on specific cultural sectors (heritage, architecture, music, literature, design fashion and cultural tourism).
The European Commission proposes a +27 % Budget Increase for the new Creative Europe Programme
NEMO - The Network of European Museum Organisations,
31 May 2018, Belgium
FAST45: Futures (Un)known - 6 - 7 December 2023, Brussels, Belgium
Culture is part of the solution
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Call for applications: Mentorship Award – Moving Narratives programme
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