Glossary of Swiss cultural policy

Pro Helvetia,
01 February 2006, Switzerland

Many are the terms bandied around in the current debate on Swiss cultural policy. But what they actually mean in the labyrinthine context of culture and politics is frequently far from clear. The "Glossar zur Schweizer Kulturpolitik" (glossary of Swiss cultural policy) issued by Pro Helve-tia is intended as a guide for the general public. It aims to provide some clarity on the issues in-volved in the drafts for the new law on the promotion of culture ("Kulturförderungsgesetz") and the amendment of the Pro Helvetia Act ("Pro Helvetia Gesetz"), which are currently in the review procedure, by giving brief, to-the-point explanations of key terms. The two experienced arts journalists Silvia Ricci Lempen and Christian Rentsch have selected 36 relevant terms and provided each with a definition and short commentary. Supplemented by Daniel Wiener's overview of the principal players in the cultural policy arena, this small-scale publication will serve as a guidebook for current and future discussions in this field. In publishing the glosssary, the Arts Council of Switzerland is reaffirming its role as an intermediary between government authorities, parliamentarians, cultural practitioners and the general public. The glossary can be found HERE.