One of the key sessions at the recent UNWTO and UNESCO during the World Conference in Cambodia was one about “Living Cultures and Creative Industries." This key session was moderated by Jordi Tresseras, the Director at the Laboratory of Heritage Cultural Tourism and Creativity (LABPACT), University of Barcelona in Spain.
The panel of participants for this open forum discussion were: Alain St.Ange, the Minister for Tourism an Culture of the Seychelles; Amareswar Galla, the Executive Director at the International Institute for the Inclusive Museum of Denmark; Hansjurgen Schmotzer, the Projects Director for Creative Austria; Helena Egan, the Director of Industry Relations at Trip Advisor in the UK; Jaesung Rhee, the Executive Vice President for International Tourism at Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) of the Republic of Korea; and Xu Jing, the Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific at the UNWTO.
The tabled discussion points stated “Tourism is about experiencing the world and its living cultures. Creative industries such as music, cinema, crafts, architecture or design, play an increasing role in creating a unique visitor experience, while tourism can foster innovation and the exchange of experiences that grow the creative industries and provide socio-economic benefits to local communities."