Please join us on October 16, 2023, for a virtual event that will bring together policy makers, activists, and scholars who are interested in the role that public funding for Indigenous arts and cultures can play in the self-determination of Indigenous peoples.
In the last three decades, there has been increasing global recognition of the unequal treatment of different populations by modern nation states because of colonialism. Indigenous political movements have become more visible, progressively establishing a political agenda that includes cultural rights within the framework of struggles for social and economic equality. The rights of Indigenous peoples can no longer be ignored when approaching cultural policy and development.
Latin American cultural policies have begun to take up this issue with greater emphasis on discursive rather than budgetary supports. Within the Canadian context, Indigenous mobilization has led to recognition from the government of the genocide of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. This has led to concrete advances in multiple public agendas, including cultural policy.
In this conversation, we will share the experience of the Canada Council for the Arts in relation to its commitment to Indigenous cultural creation and self-determination. Through a series of programs, including Creating, Knowing, Sharing, the institution has tripled its investment in the cultural production of Indigenous peoples between 2016 and 2021. The Canada Council has also revisited its definitions of excellence, professionalism, and fields of practice.
The event will feature a presentation by the leads for the Research on the Value of Public Funding for Indigenous Arts and Cultures from Archipel Research. Representatives from the Creating, Knowing and Sharing program of the Canada Council for the Arts will also participate in the presentation and speak about the program as well as some of the work done at the Canada Council since the report was published.
Simultaneous Spanish-English interpretation will be provided throughout the event, which will be conducted online. To register for the event, please use the following link: (registration form)
The event is co-organised by Universidad Nacional de las Artes (Argentina), Canada Council for the Arts, Fundación Napalpí and RGC Ediciones.