Incentivos tributarios para las industrias creativas - Tax Incentives for the Creative Industries Guide

20 December 2023, International

La Guía es un recurso dirigido a todos los agentes del ecosistema creativo, resaltando los logros obtenidos con políticas públicas de fomento a las industrias creativas a través de exenciones tributarias, a la par que busca promover estrategias de impulso a la creación hubs creativos y sinergias entre sectores empresariales del entretenimiento. En la Guía se evalúan experiencias exitosas de diferentes latitudes para consolidar sectores creativos y culturales, y ofrece recomendaciones para el diseño y la retroalimentación de acciones de política pública a partir la identificación de temas, acciones y recursos claves para aprovechar de mejor manera la cibercultura y las tecnologías emergentes.


Tax Incentives for the Creative Industries Guide

The Guide is a resource aimed at all agents of the creative ecosystem, highlighting the achievements obtained with public policies to promote creative industries through tax exemptions, while seeking to promote strategies to boost the creation of creative hubs and synergies between entertainment business sectors. The Guide evaluates successful experiences in different latitudes to consolidate creative and cultural sectors, and offers recommendations for the design and feedback of public policy actions based on the identification of key issues, actions and resources to take better advantage of cyberculture and emerging technologies. The Guide is a resource aimed at all agents of the creative ecosystem, highlighting the achievements obtained with public policies to promote creative industries through tax exemptions, while seeking to promote strategies to boost the creation of creative hubs and synergies between entertainment business sectors. The Guide evaluates successful experiences in different latitudes to consolidate creative and cultural sectors, and offers recommendations for the design and feedback of public policy actions based on the identification of key issues, actions and resources to take better advantage of cyberculture and emerging technologies.